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CSTR:16397.09.0C01000309 PSGL-1转基因小鼠模型 C57BL/6J-TgN(CMV-PSGL-1)ZLFILAS



[1].Murakami T, Carmona N, Ono A. Virion-incorporated PSGL-1 and CD43 inhibit both cell-free infection and transinfection of HIV-1 by preventing virus-cell binding. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Apr 7;117(14):8055-8063. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1916055117. Epub 2020 Mar 19. PMID: 32193343; PMCID: PMC7148576. [2].Dole VS, Bergmeier W, Patten IS, Hirahashi J, Mayadas TN, Wagner DD. PSGL-1 regulates platelet P-selectin-mediated endothelial activation and shedding of P-selectin from activated platelets. Thromb Haemost. 2007 Oct;98(4):806-12. PMID: 17938805.

CSTR:16397.09.0C01000311 PSGL-1和SCARB2双转基因小鼠模型 C57BL/6J-TgN(CMV-PSGL-1&SCARB2)ZLFILAS



[1].Zhou D, Zhao Y, Kotecha A, Fry EE, Kelly JT, Wang X, Rao Z, Rowlands DJ, Ren J, Stuart DI. Unexpected mode of engagement between enterovirus 71 and its receptor SCARB2. Nat Microbiol. 2019 Mar;4(3):414-419. doi: 10.1038/s41564-018-0319-z. Epub 2018 Dec 10. PMID: 30531980. [2].Zhang X, Yang P, Wang N, Zhang J, Li J, Guo H, Yin X, Rao Z, Wang X, Zhang L. The binding of a monoclonal antibody to the apical region of SCARB2 blocks EV71 infection. Protein Cell. 2017 Aug;8(8):590-600. doi: 10.1007/s13238-017-0405-7. Epub 2017 Apr 26. PMID: 28447294; PMCID: PMC5546930. [3].Murakami T, Carmona N, Ono A. Virion-incorporated PSGL-1 and CD43 inhibit both cell-free infection and transinfection of HIV-1 by preventing virus-cell binding. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Apr 7;117(14):8055-8063. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1916055117. Epub 2020 Mar 19. PMID: 32193343; PMCID: PMC7148576. [4].Dole VS, Bergmeier W, Patten IS, Hirahashi J, Mayadas TN, Wagner DD. PSGL-1 regulates platelet P-selectin-mediated endothelial activation and shedding of P-selectin from activated platelets. Thromb Haemost. 2007 Oct;98(4):806-12. PMID: 17938805.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000322 Ppia基因敲除小鼠模型 129.Cg-Ppiatm1



1Colgan J; Asmal M; Neagu M; Yu B; Schneidkraut J; Lee Y; Sokolskaja E; Andreotti A; Luban J.. Cyclophilin A regulates TCR signal strength in CD4+ T cells via a proline-directed conformational switch in Itk. Immunity,2004,21(2):189-201. 2Bell RD; Winkler EA; Singh I; Sagare AP; Deane R; Wu Z; Holtzman DM; Betsholtz C; Armulik A; Sallstrom J; Berk BC; Zlokovic BV.. Apolipoprotein E controls cerebrovascular integrity via cyclophilin A. Nature,2012,485(7399):512-6. 3Colgan J; Asmal M; Luban J.. Isolation, characterization and targeted disruption of mouse ppia: cyclophilin A is not essential for mammalian cell viability Genomics,2000 ,68(2):167-78. Colgan J; Asmal M; Yu B; Luban J.. Cyclophilin A-deficient mice are resistant to immunosuppression by cyclosporine. J Immunol,2005,174(10):6030-8.

CSTR:16397.09.0C01000314 OCLN转基因小鼠模型 Balb/c-TgN(pUBC-OCLN)ZLFILAS



[1].Liu Z, He JJ. Cell-cell contact-mediated hepatitis C virus (HCV) transfer, productive infection, and replication and their requirement for HCV receptors. J Virol. 2013 Aug;87(15):8545-58. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01062-13. Epub 2013 May 29. PMID: 23720720; PMCID: PMC3719812. [2].Fénéant L, Ghosn J, Fouquet B, Helle F, Belouzard S, Vausselin T, Séron K, Delfraissy JF, Dubuisson J, Misrahi M, Cocquerel L. Claudin-6 and Occludin Natural Variants Found in a Patient Highly Exposed but Not Infected with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Do Not Confer HCV Resistance In Vitro. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 12;10(11):e0142539. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142539. PMID: 26561856; PMCID: PMC4643007.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000320 myd88条件敲除小鼠模型 B6.129P2-Myd88tm1



[1] Baidong Hou,Boris Reizis,and Anthony L. DeFranco1.Toll-like receptor-mediated dendritic cell-dependent and -independent stimulation of innate and adaptive immunity.Immunity. 2008 August 15; 29(2): 272–282.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000304 MHC II型细胞特异表达GFP转基因小鼠模型 B6.Tg(I-A-GFP)



[1] McGehee AM, Strijbis K, Guillen E, Eng T, Kirak O, Ploegh HL. Ubiquitin-dependent control of class II MHC localization is dispensable for antigen presentation and antibody production. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 20;6(4):e18817. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018817. PMID: 21533087; PMCID: PMC3080378.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000306 MHC II基因敲除小鼠模型 B6.129S2-H2-D Matm1



[1].Russell HI, York IA, Rock KL, Monaco JJ. Class II antigen processing defects in two H2d mouse cell lines are caused by point mutations in the H2-DMa gene. Eur J Immunol. 1999 Mar;29(3):905-11.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-4141(199903)29:03<905::AID-IMMU905>3.0.CO;2-8. PMID: 10092094. [2].Chen X, Jensen PE. MHC class II antigen presentation and immunological abnormalities due to deficiency of MHC class II and its associated genes. Exp Mol Pathol. 2008 Aug;85(1):40-4. doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2008.03.011. Epub 2008 Apr 13. PMID: 18547561; PMCID: PMC2568888.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000319 IRF-7基因敲除小鼠模型 C57BL/6J-IRF7tm1



[1] Honda K, Yanai H, Negishi H, Asagiri M, Sato M, Mizutani T, Shimada N, Ohba Y, Takaoka A, Yoshida N, Taniguchi T.IRF-7 is the master regulator of type-I interferon-dependent immune responses.Nature. 2005 Apr 7;434(7034):772-7. Epub 2005 Mar 30.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000331 Faslpr自发突变小鼠模型 MRL/MpJ- Fas



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CSTR:16397.09.0F01000303 ephrin B1基因条件敲除小鼠模型 129S-Efnb1tm1



[1]Nguyen AQ, Sutley S, Koeppen J, Mina K, Woodruff S, Hanna S, Vengala A, Hickmott PW, Obenaus A, Ethell IM. Astrocytic Ephrin-B1 Controls Excitatory-Inhibitory Balance in Developing Hippocampus. J Neurosci. 2020 Sep 2;40(36):6854-6871. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0413-20.2020. Epub 2020 Aug 12. PMID: 32801156; PMCID: PMC7470912. [2]Zhang H, Cui Z, Cheng D, Du Y, Guo X, Gao R, Chen J, Sun W, He R, Ma X, Peng Q, Martin BN, Yan W, Rong Y, Wang C. RNF186 regulates EFNB1 (ephrin B1)-EPHB2-induced autophagy in the colonic epithelial cells for the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. Autophagy. 2021 Oct;17(10):3030-3047. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2020.1851496. Epub 2020 Dec 17. PMID: 33280498. [3]Nguyen AQ, Koeppen J, Woodruff S, Mina K, Figueroa Z, Ethell IM. Astrocytic Ephrin-B1 Controls Synapse Formation in the Hippocampus During Learning and Memory. Front Synaptic Neurosci. 2020 Mar 17;12:10. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2020.00010. PMID: 32256333; PMCID: PMC7092624.

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000317 ENU诱导Dock8突变小鼠模型 C57BL/6JAnu-Dock8



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CSTR:16397.09.0G01000308 E2F1基因敲除小鼠模型 B6;129S4-E2f1tm1



[1].Jorgez CJ, Seth A, Wilken N, Bournat JC, Chen CH, Lamb DJ. E2F1 regulates testicular descent and controls spermatogenesis by influencing WNT4 signaling. Development. 2021 Jan 13;148(1):dev191189. doi: 10.1242/dev.191189. PMID: 33441379; PMCID: PMC7823160. Chen J, Zhu F, Weaks RL, Biswas AK, Guo R, Li Y, Johnson DG. E2F1 promotes the recruitment of DNA repair factors to sites of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle. 2011 Apr 15;10(8):1287-94. doi: 10.4161/cc.10.8.15341. PMID: 21512314; PMCID: PMC3117137.