

标识符 资源中文名称 资源英文名称 疾病概述 制作方法 相关文章
CSTR:16397.09.0H01000669 S100B基因敲除小鼠 C57BL/6J-S100B(tm)



1. Michetti F,Cazzlo D. S100B protein in biological fluids:a tool for perinatal medicine. Clin Chem. 2002;48(12):2097 2. Hauschild A,Engel G,Brenner W,et al . S100B protein detection in serum is a significant prognostic factor in metastatic melanoma. Oncology. 1999;56(4):338 3. Rustandi RR, Baldisseri DM, Weber DJ. Structure of the negative regulatory domain of p53 bound to S100B(betabeta). Nat Struct Bio1. 2000;7(7):570

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000654 脑组织特异表达24-脱氢胆固醇还原酶转基因小鼠 C57BL/6J-TgN(PDGF-mDhcr24)-GC/ILAS


1Crameri A, Biondi E, Kuehnle K, et al. The role of seladin-1/DHCR24 in cholesterol biosynthesis, APP processing and Abeta generation in vivo. EMBO J. 2006, 25(2):432-43. 2 Wechsler A, Brafman A, Shafir M, et al. Generation of viable cholesterol-free mice. Science 2003, 302: 2087. 3 Greeve I, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Brellinger C, et al. The human DIMINUTO/DWARF1 homolog seladin-1 confers resistance to Alzheimer's disease-associated neurodegeneration and oxidative stress. J. Neurosci. 2000, 20: 7345-7352. 4 Kuehnle K, Crameri A, Kalin RE, et al. Prosurvival effect of DHCR24/Seladin-1 in acute and chronic responses to oxidative stress. Mol Cell Biol. 2008, 28(2): 539-50.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000653 脑组织特异表达CCK转基因小鼠 C57BL/6J-TgN(PDGF-mCCK))-GC/ILAS



1 杜静,秦川.胆囊收缩素作用的研究进展.中国比较医学杂志.2007,17(4): 67-75. 2 Liddle RA. Cholecystokinin: its role in health and disease Curr Opin Endocrinol. Diabetes, 2003, 10(1):50-54. 3 Blevins JE, Stanley BG, Reidelberger RD. Brain regions where cholecystokinin suppresses feeding in rats. Brain Res, 2000, 860:1-10. 4 Appleyard SM, Bailey TW,Doyle MW,et al. Proopiomelanocortin Neurons in Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Are Activated by Visceral Afferents: Regulation by Cholecystokinin and Opioids. Neuroscience, 2005, 25(14):3578-3585.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000665 Notch1基因敲除小鼠 C57BL/6J-Notch1(tm)



1 Artavanis-Tsakonas S,Matsuono K,Fortini M. Notch signaling. Science 268: 225-232, 1995. 2 Axelrod JD, Matsuno K, Artavanis-Tsakonas S, et al . Interaction between Wingless and Notch signaling pathways mediated by Dishevelled. Science 271: 1826-1832, 1996. 3. Fre S, Huyghe M, Mourikis P,et al. Notch signals control the fate of immature progenitor cells in the intestine. (Letter) Nature 435: 964-968, 2005. 4 Garg V, Muth AN, Ransom JF, et al. Mutations in NOTCH1 cause aortic valve disease. Nature 437: 270-274, 2005.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000664 NB3基因敲除小鼠 C57BL/6J-NB3(tm)



1 Kamei Y, Tsutsumi O, Taketani Y, et al. cDNA cloning and chromosomal localization of neural adhesion molecule NB-3 in human. J. Neurosci. Res. 51: 275-283, 1998. 2 Lee S, Takeda Y, Kawano H, et al.Expression and regulation of a gene encoding neural recognition molecule NB-3 of the contactin/F3 subgroup in mouse brain. Gene 245: 253-266, 2000.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000677 EGR-1启动的绿色荧光转基因小鼠(EGR-1/EGFP TG) C57BL/6J-TgN(EGR-1/EGFP)-GC/ILAS



CSTR:16397.09.0I01000569 CHL1基因敲除小鼠 C57BL/6J-CHL1(tm)



1. Angeloni, D.; Lindor, N. M.; Pack, S.,et al., CALL gene is haploinsufficient in a 3p- syndrome patient. Am. J. Med. Genet. 86: 482-485, 1999. 2. Frints, S. G. M.; Marynen, P.; Hartmann, D.,et al., CALL interrupted in a patient with non-specific mental retardation: gene dosage-dependent alteration of murine brain development and behavior. Hum. Molec. Genet. 12: 1463-1474, 2003. 3. Kozma, C.; Slavotinek, A. M.; Meck, J. M. : Segregation of a t(1;3) translocation in multiple affected family members with both types of adjacent-1 segregants. Am. J. Med. Genet. 124A: 118-128, 2004. 4. Wei, M.-H.; Karavanova, I.; Ivanov, S. V.et al., In silico-initiated cloning and molecular characterization of a novel human member of the L1 gene family of neural cell adhesion molecules. Hum. Genet. 103: 355-364, 1998.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000670 CCK受体基因敲除除小鼠 C57BL/6J-CCK-R1(tm)



1 杜静,秦川.胆囊收缩素作用的研究进展.中国比较医学杂志.2007,17(4): 67-75. 2 Liddle RA. Cholecystokinin: its role in health and disease Curr Opin Endocrinol. Diabetes, 2003, 10(1):50-54. 3 Blevins JE, Stanley BG, Reidelberger RD. Brain regions where cholecystokinin suppresses feeding in rats. Brain Res, 2000, 860:1-10. 4 Appleyard SM, Bailey TW,Doyle MW,et al. Proopiomelanocortin Neurons in Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Are Activated by Visceral Afferents: Regulation by Cholecystokinin and Opioids. Neuroscience, 2005, 25(14):3578-3585.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000673 B2M和H2K双转基因小鼠 C57BL/6J-TgN(B2M)(H2K)


FRI-ZZ-LE9 - B2M/ FRI-ZZ-LE9 – H2K 将FRI-ZZ-LE9启动子和B2M靶基因构建的载体与FRI-ZZ-LE9启动子和H2K靶基因构建的载体同时注射到小鼠的受精卵。

1. Huh, G. S.; Boulanger, L. M.; Du, H.; Functional requirement for class I MHC in CNS development and plasticity. Science 290: 2155-2159, 2000. 2. Wani, M. A.; Haynes, L. D.; Kim, J.; et al.Familial hypercatabolic hypoproteinemia caused by deficiency of the neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn, due to a mutant beta-2-microglobulin gene. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 103: 5084-5089, 2006.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000663 APP基因敲除小鼠 C57BL/6J-App(tm)



1 Calhoun ME, Wiederhold K-H, Abramowski, et al. Neuron loss in APP transgenic mice. Nature 395: 755-756, 1998. 2 Cao X, Sudhof TC, A transcriptionally active complex of APP with Fe65 and histone acetyltransferase Tip60. Science 293: 115-120, 2001. 3 Carter DA, Desmarais E, Bellis,et al. More missense in amyloid gene. (Letter) Nature Genet. 2: 255-256, 1992. 4 Chen AC, Selkoe DJ. Response, et al., 'Presenilin-dependent transcriptional control of the A-beta-degrading enzyme neprilysin by intracellular domains of beta-APP and APLP. Neuron 46, 541-554. Neuron 53: 479-483, 2007. 5 Cheng IH, Palop JJ, Esposito, et al. Aggressive amyloidosis in mice expressing human amyloid peptides with the Arctic mutation. Nature Med. 10: 1190-1192, 2004. 6 Colton CA, Vitek MP, Wink D, et al. NO synthase 2 (NOS2) deletion promotes multiple pathologies in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 103: 12867-12872, 2006. Note: Erratum: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 103: 15273 only, 2006. l 7 Khoury J, Toft M,Hickman SE, et al. Ccr2 deficiency impairs microglial accumulation and accelerates progression of Alzheimer-like disease. Nature Med. 13: 432-438, 2007.

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000515 ctnna1条件性敲除小鼠 B6;129-Ctnna1tm1



CSTR:16397.09.0G01000514 人TCR转基因小鼠 Balb/c-TgN(CMV-h-TCR)ZLFILAS

