

标识符 资源中文名称 资源英文名称 疾病概述 制作方法 相关文章
CSTR:16397.09.0L01000413 caveolin-1 基因剔除小鼠 B6.Cav1(Tm)



1. Carver LA,Schnitzer JE.Caveolae:mining little caves for new cancer targets[J].Nat Rev Cancer,2003,3 (8):571-81. 2. Capozza F,Williams TM,Schubert W,et al.Absence of caveolin-1 sensitizes mouse skin to carcinogen-induced epidermalhyperplasia and tumor formation[J].Am J Pathol,2003,162 (6):2029-39. 3. Williams TM,Cheung MW,Park DS,et al.Loss of caveolin-1 gene expression accelerates the development of dysplastic mammary lesions in tumor-prone transgenic mice[J].Mol Biol Cell,2003,14(3):1027-42. 4. Lin SY,Yeh KT,Chen WT,et al.Promoter CpG methylation of caveolin-1 in sporadic colorectal cancer[J].Anticancer Res,2004,24(3a):1645-50. 5. ]Han SE,Park KH,Lee G,et al.Mutation and aberrant expression of Caveolin-1 in human oral squamous cell carcinomas and oral cancer cell lines[J].Int J Oncol,2004,24(2):435-40.

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000403 ATM 基因剔除小鼠 B6.ATM(Tm)



1 Allen DM, van Praag H, Ray J, et al. Ataxia telangiectasia mutated is essential during adult neurogenesis. Genes Dev. 15: 554-566, 2001. 2 Bakkenist CJ, Kastan MB. DNA damage activates ATM through intermolecular autophosphorylation and dimer dissociation. Nature 421: 499-506, 2003. 3 Banin S, Moyal L, Shieh SY, et al. Enhanced phosphorylation of p53 by ATM in response to DNA damage. Science 281: 1674-1677, 1998. 4 Bao S, Tibbetts RS, Brumbaugh KM, et al. ATR/ATM-mediated phosphorylation of human Rad17 is required for genotoxic stress responses. Nature 411: 969-974, 2001. 5 Bartkova J, Horejsi Z, Koed K, et al. DNA damage response as a candidate anti-cancer barrier in early human tumorigenesis. Nature 434: 864-870, 2005. 6 Bartkova J, Rezaei N, Liontos M. Oncogene-induced senescence is part of the tumorigenesis barrier imposed by DNA damage checkpoints. Nature 444: 633-637, 2006 7 Falck J, Coates J, Jackson SP. Conserved modes of recruitment of ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs to sites of DNA damage. Nature 434: 605-611, 2005. 8 Falck J, Petrini JHJ, Williams B, et al. The DNA damage-dependent intra-S phase checkpoint is regulated by parallel pathways. Nature Genet. 30: 290-294, 2002.

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000412 ASPP2 基因剔除小鼠 Balb/c.ASPP2(Tm)



1. Bergamaschi D., Samuels Y., O’Neil N.J., Trigiante G., Crook T., Hsieh J.K., O’Connor D.J., Zhong S., Campargue I., Tomlinson M.L. et al. 2003. iASPP oncoprotein is a key inhibitor of p53 conserved from worm to human. Nat. Genet. 33: 162167. 2. Bergamaschi D., Samuels Y., Jin B., Duraisingham S., Crook T., Lu X. 2004. ASPP1 and ASPP2: Common activators of p53 family members. Mol. Cell. Biol. 24: 13411350. 3. Chen Y., Liu W., Naumovski L., Neve R.L. 2003. ASPP2 inhibits APP-BP1-mediated NEDD8 conjugation to cullin-1 and decreases APP-BP1-induced cell proliferation and neuronal apoptosis. J. Neurochem. 85: 801809.

CSTR:16397.09.0H01000392 AMPKP1(Fe56)基因剔除小鼠 B6.AMPKP1(Tm)



1 Baek SH, Ohgi KA, Rose DW,et al. Exchange of N-CoR corepressor and Tip60 coactivator complexes links gene expression by NF-kappa-B and beta-amyloid precursor protein. Cell 110: 55-67, 2002. 2 Blanco G, Irving NG, Brown SD, et al.Mapping of the human and murine X11-like genes (APBA2 and Apba2), the murine Fe65 gene (Apbb1), and the human Fe65-like gene (APBB2): genes encoding phosphotyrosine-binding domain proteins that interact with the Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein. Mammalian Genome 9: 473-475, 1998. 3 Bressler SL, Gray MD, Sopher BL,et al. cDNA cloning and chromosome mapping of the human Fe65 gene: interaction of the conserved cytoplasmic domains of the human beta-amyloid precursor protein and its homologues with the mouse Fe65 protein. Hum. Molec. Genet. 5: 1589-1598, 1996. 4 Cao X, Sudhof TC. A transcriptionally active complex of APP with Fe65 and histone acetyltransferase Tip60. Science 293: 115-120, 2001. Note: Erratum: Science 293: 1437 only, 2001.

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000640 Ckmm-cre 转基因小鼠 B6.FVB(129S4)-Tg(Ckmm-cre)



CSTR:16397.09.0L01000639 CDX2-cre 转基因小鼠 B6.Cg-Tg(CDX2-cre)



1Hinoi T; Akyol A; Theisen BK; Ferguson DO; Greenson JK; Williams BO; Cho KR; Fearon ER. 2007. Mouse model of colonic adenoma-carcinoma progression based on somatic Apc inactivation. Cancer Res 67(20):9721-30. [PubMed: 17942902] [MGI Ref ID J:126018] 2Feng Y; Bommer GT; Zhai Y; Akyol A; Hinoi T; Winer I; Lin HV; Cadigan KM; Cho KR; Fearon ER. 2007. Drosophila split ends homologue SHARP functions as a positive regulator of Wnt/beta-catenin/T-cell factor signaling in neoplastic transformation. Cancer Res 67(2):482-91. [PubMed: 17234755] [MGI Ref ID J:117412] 3Miller SJ; Joshi BP; Feng Y; Gaustad A; Fearon ER; Wang TD. 2011. In vivo fluorescence-based endoscopic detection of colon dysplasia in the mouse using a novel peptide probe. PLoS One 6(3):e17384. [PubMed: 21408169] [MGI Ref ID J:171709]

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000638 Cdh5-cre 转基因小鼠 B6.Cg-Tg(Cdh5-cre)



1.Alva JA; Zovein AC; Monvoisin A; Murphy T; Salazar A; Harvey NL; Carmeliet P; Iruela-Arispe ML. 2006. VE-Cadherin-Cre-recombinase transgenic mouse: A tool for lineage analysis and gene deletion in endothelial cells. Dev Dyn 235(3):759-67. [PubMed: 16450386] [MGI Ref ID J:106155] 2.Corada M; Nyqvist D; Orsenigo F; Caprini A; Giampietro C; Taketo MM; Iruela-Arispe ML; Adams RH; Dejana E. 2010. The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway modulates vascular remodeling and specification by upregulating Dll4/Notch signaling. Dev Cell 18(6):938-49. [PubMed: 20627076] [MGI Ref ID J:163848] 3.Economopoulou M; Langer HF; Celeste A; Orlova VV; Choi EY; Ma M; Vassilopoulos A; Callen E; Deng C; Bassing CH; Boehm M; Nussenzweig A; Chavakis T. 2009. Histone H2AX is integral to hypoxia-driven neovascularization. Nat Med 15(5):553-8. [PubMed: 19377486] [MGI Ref ID J:149487] 4.Genetic Resource Sciences at The Jackson Laboratory. 2012. Expression/Specificity Patterns of Cre Alleles, 2011 MGI Direct Data Submission :. [MGI Ref ID J:184578] Genetic Resource Sciences at The Jackson Laboratory. 2008. Expression/Specificity patterns of Cre transgenes MGI Direct Data Submission :. [MGI Ref ID J:137887]

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000637 ACTA1-cre 转基因小鼠(肌肉组织特异) B6.Cg-Tg(ACTA1-cre)



1.Miniou P; Tiziano D; Frugier T; Roblot N; Le Meur M; Melki J. 1999. Gene targeting restricted to mouse striated muscle lineage. Nucleic Acids Res 27(19):e27. [PubMed: 10481039] [MGI Ref ID J:67906] 2.Agrawal PB; Joshi M; Savic T; Chen Z; Beggs AH. 2012. Normal myofibrillar development followed by progressive sarcomeric disruption with actin accumulations in a mouse Cfl2 knockout demonstrates requirement of cofilin-2 for muscle maintenance. Hum Mol Genet :. [PubMed: 22343409] [MGI Ref ID J:182571] 3.Buj-Bello A; Laugel V; Messaddeq N; Zahreddine H; Laporte J; Pellissier JF; Mandel JL. 2002. The lipid phosphatase myotubularin is essential for skeletal muscle maintenance but not for myogenesis in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99(23):15060-5. [PubMed: 12391329] [MGI Ref ID J:81791] Chambon C; Duteil D; Vignaud A; Ferry A; Messaddeq N; Malivindi R; Kato S; Chambon P; Metzger D. 2010. Myocytic androgen receptor controls the strength but not the mass of limb muscles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(32):14327-32. [PubMed: 20660752] [MGI Ref ID J:163603] 4.Charvet C; Houbron C; Parlakian A; Giordani J; Lahoute C; Bertrand A; Sotiropoulos A; Renou L; Schmitt A; Melki J; Li Z; Daegelen D; Tuil D. 2006. New role for serum response factor in postnatal skeletal muscle growth and regeneration via the interleukin 4 and insulin-like growth factor 1 pathways. Mol Cell Biol 26(17):6664-74. [PubMed: 16914747] [MGI Ref ID J:112113]

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000636 Nes-cre 转基因小鼠(B6.Cg(SJL)-Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/J)(神经系统特异) B6.Cg(SJL)-Tg(Nes-cre)


靶基因符号:Nes11Cre; NesCre; Tg(Nes-cre); n-Cre+; nestin-Cre; nestin/Cre; 构建信息: 该基因在大鼠巢蛋白启动子的控制下表达Cre重组酶。该启动子在神经元和胶质细胞前体表达Cre重组酶。胚胎第11天,神经组织中存在Cre重组酶活性。[MGI参考ID J:13340][MGI参考ID J:164338][MGI参考ID J:57315]

1Tronche F; Kellendonk C; Kretz O; Gass P; Anlag K; Orban PC; Bock R; Klein R; Schutz G. 1999. Disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the nervous system results in reduced anxiety. Nat Genet 23(1):99-103. 2Bruning JC; Gautam D; Burks DJ; Gillette J; Schubert M; Orban PC; Klein R; Krone W; Muller-Wieland D; Kahn CR. 2000. Role of brain insulin receptor in control of body weight and reproduction [see comments] Science 289(5487):2122-5. 3Delacour A; Nepote V; Trumpp A; Herrera PL. 2004. Nestin expression in pancreatic exocrine cell lineages. Mech Dev 121(1):3-14. 4Gao Q; Wolfgang MJ; Neschen S; Morino K; Horvath TL; Shulman GI; Fu XY. 2004. Disruption of neural signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 causes obesity, diabetes, infertility, and thermal dysregulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101(13):4661-6. 5Graus-Porta D; Blaess S; Senften M; Littlewood-Evans A; Damsky C; Huang Z; Orban P; Klein R; Schittny JC; Muller U. 2001. Beta1-class integrins regulate the development of laminae and folia in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex. Neuron 31(3):367-79. 6Haigh JJ; Morelli PI; Gerhardt H; Haigh K; Tsien J; Damert A; Miquerol L; Muhlner U; Klein R; Ferrara N; Wagner EF; Betsholtz C; Nagy A. 2003. Cortical and retinal defects caused by dosage-dependent reductions in VEGF-A paracrine signaling. Dev Biol 262(2):225-41.

CSTR:16397.09.0L01000635 平滑肌和心肌细胞特异cre转基因小鼠 B6.129S6-Taglntm2(cre)



1Zhang J; Zhong W; Cui T; Yang M; Hu X; Xu K; Xie C; Xue C; Gibbons GH; Liu C; Li L; Chen YE. 2006. Generation of an adult smooth muscle cell-targeted Cre recombinase mouse model. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 26(3):e23-4. [PubMed: 16484601] [MGI Ref ID J:119865] 2Chang L; Villacorta L; Zhang J; Garcia-Barrio MT; Yang K; Hamblin M; Whitesall SE; D'Alecy LG; Chen YE. 2009. Vascular smooth muscle cell-selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma deletion leads to hypotension. Circulation 119(16):2161-9. [PubMed: 19364979] 3Hamblin M; Chang L; Zhang H; Yang K; Zhang J; Chen YE. 2011. Vascular smooth muscle cell peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma mediates pioglitazone-reduced vascular lesion formation. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 31(2):352-9. [PubMed: 21088248] [MGI Ref ID J:184182]

CSTR:16397.09.0G01000633 全身性表达TCR 转基因小鼠 Balb/c-TgN(CMV-h-TCR)ZLFILAS


靶基因信息:TCR, human 构建信息: 表达位点:全身表达

CSTR:16397.09.0I01000632 ATM 敲除小鼠 B6.129Sv-ATMtm1

