

标识符 CSTR:16397.09.0L01000417
资源中文名称 EXO1基因剔除小鼠
资源英文名称 B6.EXO1(Tm)
疾病概述 肿瘤疾病相关模型小鼠








保存方式 冷冻
合作方式 仅限合作研究
相关文章 1. Bardwell, P. D.; Woo, C. J.; Wei, K.; Li, Z.; Martin, A.; Sack, S. Z.; Parris, T.; Edelmann, W.; Scharff, M. D. : Altered somatic hypermutation and reduced class-switch recombination in exonuclease 1-mutant mice. Nature Immun. 5: 224-229, 2004.
2. Genschel, J.; Bazemore, L. R.; Modrich, P. : Human exonuclease I is required for 5-prime and 3-prime mismatch repair. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 13302-13311, 2002.
3. Lee, B.; Nguyen, L. H.; Barsky, D.; Fernandes, M.; Wilson, D. M., III : Molecular interactions of human Exo1 with DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 30: 942-949, 2002.
4. Mimitou, E. P.; Symington, L. S.: Sae2, Exo1 and Sgs1 collaborate in DNA double-strand break processing. Nature 455: 770-774, 2008.
7. Sharma, S.; Sommers, J. A.; Driscoll, H. C.; Uzdilla, L.; Wilson, T. M.; Brosh, R. M., Jr.: The exonucleolytic and endonucleolytic cleavage activities of human exonuclease 1 are stimulated by an interaction with the carboxyl-terminal region of the Werner syndrome protein. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 23487-23496, 2003.
8. Thompson, E.; Meldrum, C. J.; Crooks, R.; McPhillips, M.; Thomas, L.; Spigelman, A. D.; Scott, R. J. : Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer and the role of hPMS2 and hEXO1 mutations. Clin. Genet. 65: 215-225, 2004.
10. Wei, K.; Clark, A. B.; Wong, E.; Kane, M. F.; Mazur, D. J.; Parris, T.; Kolas, N. K.; Russell, R.; Hou, H., Jr.; Kneitz, B.; Yang, G.; Kunkel, T. A.; Kolodner, R. D.; Cohen, P. E.; Edelmann, W. : Inactivation of exonuclease 1 in mice results in DNA mismatch repair defects, increased cancer susceptibility, and male and female sterility. Genes Dev. 17: 603-614, 2003.