标识符 | CSTR:16397.09.0M02001232 |
资源中文名称 | 线粒体DNA TRNE G14098A点突变大鼠 |
资源英文名称 | SD.MT-TRNE G14098A-GC/ILAS |
疾病概述 | 大鼠线粒体DNA G14098位点对应人体中线粒体DNA TRNE基因的G14710位点。临床上,线粒体DAN中14710位点的G突变为A能够导致线粒体肌病。 |
实验动物背景信息 | SD |
模型制作方法 | 针对线粒体DNA G14098位点设计构建DdCBE载体,利用显微注射将DdCBE工具导入大鼠受精卵,然后移植到假孕大鼠中(见下图)。 |
模型表型数据 | 经抓力和转棒测试,线粒体DNA TRNE G14098A点突变大鼠的抓力和运动能力相比野生对照大鼠显著下降。 多普勒超声检测结果显示,G14098A点突变大鼠表现出左心室舒张末和收缩末期内径增加;舒张末和收缩末时左室前壁厚度下降;左心室射血分数以及左室缩短百分比降低。 Fig. 1 Mitochondrial disorder modeling by DdCBE in rat. a Representative sequence chromatograms of G7755A (Left) and G14098A (Right)founder rats. Target sites are indicated by red arrows. b Frequencies of G-to-A conversion at G7755 (Blue dots) and G14098 (Red dots) in founder rats. c Frequencies of mtDNA G-to-A conversion of offspring from G14098A #7 founder. The red dot indicates founder, black dots indicate F1 offspring. d Measuring distance (Left) and speed (Right) by open field test. e Evaluation of motor coordination by Rotarod test. f Measuring grip strength by GripStrength Test. g–m Echocardiography analysis of wild-type rats and edited F1 males. The tests include a snapshot of M-mode of echocardiography(g), left ventricular (LV) diameter at end-diastole and end-systole (LVIDD, LVIDS) (h, i), LV anterior wall thickness at end-diastole and end-systole(LVAWD, LVAWS) (j, k), LV ejection fraction (LVEF) (l), and LV percent fractional shortening (LVFS) (m). Data were presented as a scatter dot plot withmeans (n = 4 for wild-type control, n = 5 for G14098A F1 rats). Significance was calculated with unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test(*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001) |
动物模型的评价与验证 | 该点突变大鼠表现出心脏和肌肉功能障碍,再现临床患者的临床表现。 |
保存方式 | 活体 |
合作方式 | 仅限合作研究 |
相关文章 | Qi, X., Chen, X., Guo, J. et al. Precision modeling of mitochondrial disease in rats via DdCBE-mediated mtDNA editing. Cell Discov 7, 95 (2021). |
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